Drumstick fetish
sigh. mafia misses school for the 1st time. her room's soooo quiet. unlike the studio, where " JONATHAN!!!!!" or "SIAO LIAO LAH!!! MY VIZ TIO SCREWED UP!!" (wait. I think that's what mafia will say) can be heard all the time. mafia just wants to say that she misses everyone. HA HA! NOT. mafia had a great time taking pictures of her beautiful drumsticks. don't believe? Look :
hmmm.... L XXXmm by W XXXmm by H 1000mm drumsticks. Pretty not??? HA HA HA ! Not pretty? Look again:
Too dark?
L XXXmm by W XXXmm by H WHOOPING 1070mm. The heels pretty? Tell mafia that it's pretty! Oh she so love her drumsticks, and her heels. Can't get enough of her 1070mm drumsticks?

Ok larh. Stop puking. Mafia's just B O R E D because her room's so damn quiet. To those doing OT : Hope this post gives you the will to work till OT ends, since you'll be greatful that you're gonna face 3D viz for the next few hours instead of this. To those at home, START WORKING AND STOP LOOKING AT THIS POST.
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