Adamantine Crayola de Box

[Adamantine: Having the hardness or luster of a diamond.] We are, nothing more than, an indestructible box of crayons. Brilliant and sharp as individuals. Yet nothing less than complementary when laid together. A collection of colours, a myriad of personalities, a showcase of nature's masterpieces: [US].

Saturday, August 13, 2005

mite mite!!

Aahh... another submission. Lots of sleepless nights. Again.

Oh well. Time to relax a lil'. Don't know how to relax? Here are some pointers.

1. Photoshop your guy into your picture. Well, as designers, of course it has to be to scale! Guess what! Taitai's SHORT! BWAHAHAHAH! Her nose reached her guy's ARMPIT!

2. Munch a lil'. Mum's diet bar is a good choice. Especially if it's DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CRUNCH.
Filling Factor 8/10. Taste Factor -9999999/10

3. Sing along with the music you're listening until your Dad couldn't tolerate your nonsense. *screeches : I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS, THAT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE THIS....*

4. Walk around your house. Irritate everyone you see. Ask them if they've eaten.. etc. Finally, ask them to shii shii immediately.

5. Stare blankly.... yes, blankly...... at your microstation.


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