well, he WAS mafia's dream guy...
until he opened his mouth.
opened his mouth.
ohmygoodnessithinkmyjaws justdroppedontothefloorandmypantiesburstcuzmybuttnearlyexploded
ok. mafia thought her ONCE mafia's dream guy was a JAPANESE.
what do you expect???? she was at liang court with tai! and they were at a udon stall.
he wore specs, hes an uncle, but he's not rich, but it's ok. serious. cuz he's "japanese"
but SIGH
he's just one fake japanese, with a serious singlish accent.
and because of him, mafia got CONDEMNED... by our great highly sophisicated currently siaoing the real tezuka TAI
mafia's life aint gonna get any better from now onwards....
fine... no more dream guy for mafia.
tai and mafia went to find KORKOR instead (tai insisted that he's older than us... I still think that he just finished his Os)
yay. they had the ohsoyummyandnotsofattening gelato
someone poisoned mafia.
either KORKOR or her used to be DREAM GUY did it.
sigh. mafia didnt realise that shes so popular among guys.
they had to poison and kidnap her in order to be with her.
but oh well,
mafia and tai boarded the bus before mafia could faint.
actually, she didnt faint.
she just had a super duper fatal headache.
neh neh ni boo boo!! you both didnt manage to capture mafia! *haha*
ps: MAFIA GOT HER OHSOLOVELY STUPID BEAR!!! *skips around cuddling stupid bear*
TAI GOT HER OHSOGREENYBUTCUTE MUU CHAN!! *i wonder what she does with it... *
until he opened his mouth.
opened his mouth.
ohmygoodnessithinkmyjaws justdroppedontothefloorandmypantiesburstcuzmybuttnearlyexploded
ok. mafia thought her ONCE mafia's dream guy was a JAPANESE.
what do you expect???? she was at liang court with tai! and they were at a udon stall.
he wore specs, hes an uncle, but he's not rich, but it's ok. serious. cuz he's "japanese"
but SIGH
he's just one fake japanese, with a serious singlish accent.
and because of him, mafia got CONDEMNED... by our great highly sophisicated currently siaoing the real tezuka TAI
mafia's life aint gonna get any better from now onwards....
fine... no more dream guy for mafia.
tai and mafia went to find KORKOR instead (tai insisted that he's older than us... I still think that he just finished his Os)
yay. they had the ohsoyummyandnotsofattening gelato
someone poisoned mafia.
either KORKOR or her used to be DREAM GUY did it.
sigh. mafia didnt realise that shes so popular among guys.
they had to poison and kidnap her in order to be with her.
but oh well,
mafia and tai boarded the bus before mafia could faint.
actually, she didnt faint.
she just had a super duper fatal headache.
neh neh ni boo boo!! you both didnt manage to capture mafia! *haha*
ps: MAFIA GOT HER OHSOLOVELY STUPID BEAR!!! *skips around cuddling stupid bear*
TAI GOT HER OHSOGREENYBUTCUTE MUU CHAN!! *i wonder what she does with it... *
At 11:07 AM,
missy:scarlet said…
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At 11:54 AM,
missy:scarlet said…
eh i just realised you spelled your title wrongly. haha. Disappointment lah!
and anyway nobody said he was a japanese lor. you ASSUMED he was. and you talk about YOUR guy can already what... talk about MY guy for what... i was going to keep it low profile can..
At 4:29 PM,
serlyn[Orenji] said…
sigh larhs. because of him i got so many spelling errors.
and as if you're keeping a low profile. i wonder whos the one who blogged about HER PERFECT GUY even before i posted this entry... hmmmm....
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