hahahas Tezuka's mineee!!!
joking lahs. lols. hes my da bai lians
the see through you guy is my xiao bai lians
BUT! My ah pek is still my one and only. =P
fwahs fwahs fwahs
im like surrounded by yandaos... not
* tsk. i have a fetish for guys with hair that is NOT THAT long and thick . =X
Fuji : Ganbatte ne!
joking lahs. lols. hes my da bai lians
the see through you guy is my xiao bai lians
BUT! My ah pek is still my one and only. =P
fwahs fwahs fwahs
im like surrounded by yandaos... not
* tsk. i have a fetish for guys with hair that is NOT THAT long and thick . =X
Fuji : Ganbatte ne!
At 11:27 PM,
missy:scarlet said…
like YOU WISH! you slowly hope lah hor, hope that Tezuka goes BLIND and DEAF and MUTE, best of all lose his sense of touch and taste, he will then be YOUR whatever-bai-lian.
TEZUKA BELONGS TO FUJI SYUSUKE ONLYand as for Saeki (that's the name of the 'see through guy', pls remember), he half-belongs to Fuji. as for the yaoi half, i have not decided who, but probably Kajimoto Takahisa from Jousei. go check him out, he's a pretty boy too.
yea, that's about it. you jolly well stick to your ah pek and STAY THERE. well, if you wanna stick with Hendry i have totally no objections as well.
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